It's in Kazekhstan now. It should be delivered recently.
2020-08-20 09:08 Kapshagai, md. Sidranskogo, 1, TsOU Kapchagayskiy GUPS, 040800, Arrived in the sorting center
2020-08-20 04:52 Ili district, KazTsik rural district, Berezhinsky street, building 4, Building 2, Section for receiving and sending mail, Almaty, 220094, Sent from the collection center
2020-08-19 12:20 Iliysky district, KazTsik rural district, Berezhinsky street, building 4, Building 2, International mail processing area, 220096, Passed customs clearance
2020-08-19 11:21 Ili district, KazTsik rural district, Berezhinsky street, building 4, Building 2, Section for processing international mail, 220096, Submitted to the customs
2020-08-19 11:13 Ili district, KazTsik rural district, Berezhinsky street, building 4, Building 2, International mail processing area, 220096, Adopted mailing to send
2020-07-14 23:22 VPS, VPS, 000000, Sent from the outward office of exchange
亲爱的先生或女士! 我确实需要您的帮助,因为恐怕我的包裹(LO888711821CN)在运输过程中丢失了。 据《中国邮政》报道,我的包裹于3月13日移交给了该快递,但是第二天又回到了北京国际邮件交易所。由于没有任何更新或可用信息。如果您能帮助我弄清楚我包裹发生的事情,我将不胜感激。我的包裹现在在哪里,为什么又被退回了北京的国际邮件交换所? 先感谢您! DANIEL
Dear sir or madam! I do need your help, because I am afraid my package (LO888711821CN) was lost during shipping. According to China Post, my package was handed over to the courier on March 13, but returned to the Beijing International Mail Exchange the next day. Since there are no updates or information available. I would appreciate it if you could help me figure out what happened to my package. Where is my package now, and why was it returned to the Beijing International Mail Exchange? Thank you in advance!
It's in Kazekhstan now. It should be delivered recently.
2020-08-20 09:08
Kapshagai, md. Sidranskogo, 1, TsOU Kapchagayskiy GUPS, 040800, Arrived in the sorting center
2020-08-20 04:52
Ili district, KazTsik rural district, Berezhinsky street, building 4, Building 2, Section for receiving and sending mail, Almaty, 220094, Sent from the collection center
2020-08-19 12:20
Iliysky district, KazTsik rural district, Berezhinsky street, building 4, Building 2, International mail processing area, 220096, Passed customs clearance
2020-08-19 11:21
Ili district, KazTsik rural district, Berezhinsky street, building 4, Building 2, Section for processing international mail, 220096, Submitted to the customs
2020-08-19 11:13
Ili district, KazTsik rural district, Berezhinsky street, building 4, Building 2, International mail processing area, 220096, Adopted mailing to send
2020-07-14 23:22
VPS, VPS, 000000, Sent from the outward office of exchange