You need to contact the sender to ask for the address and phone number to return it back. If you couldn't contact him, you can't return it back. I suggest you keep it if you are not charged. It may be s brushing scam sent by sellers in China to boost the seller's ratings by creating fake orders. They usually ship an inexpensive product to an unwitting receiver and then submitting positive reviews on the product.
Dear China Post, According to Fujifilm Outlet (service11), it was the fault of the China Post that I received a wrong parcel. A pack of socks instead of an Instax Mini Camera with films. There's a huge difference in the cost of the camera and the socks, and the company does not want to pay back my 45 USD as they say that you're responsible for putting the label on a wrong parcel. The tracking number of the parcel is LO711449412CN Can you please check what happened and help me get my camera or refund its price? Thank you so much for your kind help in advance. Best regards, Eszter
You need to contact the sender to ask for the address and phone number to return it back. If you couldn't contact him, you can't return it back. I suggest you keep it if you are not charged. It may be s brushing scam sent by sellers in China to boost the seller's ratings by creating fake orders. They usually ship an inexpensive product to an unwitting receiver and then submitting positive reviews on the product.