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why not my parcel delivered


My name is Abdul Waheed from Pakistan. My tracking id is RB003375266PK. I sent it through pakistan post service courier service said to me. your hard copies delivered to the destination country. I did not receive any message from ISO yet. Please can you tell me my hard copies of my parcel status why not show on your website.
I shall be very thankful for this act of kindness.

Waiting for your worthy response,
Best regard,
Abdul Waheed

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2 Answer(s)


It's still in transit to China and hasn't been arrived. There will be update when it arrives. You need to wait for more days to get update.

Number: RB003375266PK
Package status: In transit
Country: Pakistan -> China
2021-03-11 14:16 Islamabad, Islamabad has been exported straight
2021-03-11 10:10 Islamabad, Leaving The Foreign Export Swap Bureau (not yet arriving at China Post)
2021-03-11 10:10 Islamabad, leave the Processing Center in Islamabad
2021-03-11 10:09 Islamabad, to the Overseas Export Swap Bureau
My name is Abdul Waheed from Pakistan. I sent my documents to Harbin institute of technology CHINA. I sent to parcel one sent on 9 march and second sent to 10 march. My tracking ID RB003375266PK and RA000178717PK. I sent it through Pakistan post service courier service said to me. your hard copies delivered to the destination country. Please can you tell me my parcel how much more time required for whole process. why not sent my parcels even 16 days passed. if this is take a more time such a very irresponsible service. why not status show on your website. If my documents will not received timely it can trouble for me. please inform me ASAP
I shall be very thankful for this act of kindness.

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