China Post: 86 10 11185 EMS: 86 10 11183

Why is my package stuck somewhere in Shanghai since July 16?


My package number is RR266371095TH, whenever I try and track it, it says that it's been here in Shanghai since July 16 and never moved. It's been 2 months now since they sent it from abroad.
Also, during that time I had to move out so now my address is different, I didn't think the package would take more than 2 months to arrive

4 Answer(s)

Hi Yanks,

There should be problem for the address that makes it stuck for so long time. You need to call China Post service number 11185 (then 8 for English service) to further check it.
I called and there's no option "8" ...
And I don't think the address change is the issue because they didn't even call me. They usually call me to check if I'm home.
Could you help me track my parcel then?
I called again and they literally just said they don't have english service
Hi Yanks,

Could you let one of your Chinese friend to call?

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