Where's my order?
Asked by John |
My order UT745207327CN hasn't yet arrived. Its last known status was "Planned air transportation, flight number KE0828-0907, departure time 12:45, Shenzhen, 06 Dec 2019. Do you know where my order is currently/when it will arrive in the UK?
My order UT745207327CN hasn't yet arrived. Its last known status was "Planned air transportation, flight number KE0828-0907, departure time 12:45, Shenzhen, 06 Dec 2019. Do you know where my order is currently/when it will arrive in the UK?
It's sent by using China Post Ordinary Small Packet Plus which is a cheap service of China Post. China Post doesn't provide tracking service for it after it moves for some stations in China. So, you can't get more update after 06 Dec 2019. It usually takes about 40-60 days to be delivered. If you couldn't get it in time, contact the seller to give you a solution.