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Where is RV345412968CN?


Since the orden logistics was created i didn't know about it, i don't know where is package because the status of my package never changed, so i don't even know if it was send to me.

3 Answer(s)

Hi Kira,

There is only 'Logistics order created' shown in tracking information for it because the seller just created the order on Feb. 19 but hasn't shipped it. You need to push the seller to ship the package immediately.

Number: RV345412968CN
Package status: In transit
Country: China -> Unknown
2020-02-19 15:13, Logistics order created
Can you tell me the status of my package LX035351149CN? This has been at the same status for 29 (!) days. Will this actually be sent eventually or is it lost? Thanks
Hi RonDon,

It has been left China and is in transit to Ireland now. You can not know the exact situation when it's in the middle locations. It usually takes about 20-40 days (after it left China) to reach and there will be further update when it arrives. Please wait for more days to see.

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Where is RV345412968CN? (3 replies)

Since the orden logistics was created i didn't know about it, i don't know where is package because the status of my package never changed, so i don't even know if it was send to me.

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