EV949557465CN was shipped on Dec. 19 and is still in transit in China now. EV944884485CN is in Ireland now. An Post should deliver it to you recently. Number: EV949557465CN Package status: In transit Country: China -> Ireland 2020-12-20 13:07, Guangzhou City, has been handed over to the carrier transport 2020-12-20 12:54, Guangzhou City, leaving the Guangzhou International Center, the next stop, Guangzhou International Exchange Station (transit) 2020-12-20 04:11, Guangzhou City, Guangzhou International Center has been exported directly 2020-12-20 01:11, Guangzhou City, To reach Guangzhou International Center (transit) 2020-12-19 23:37, Foshan City, leave the "Foshan Shunde Mail Processing Center", the next stop "Guangzhou International Center" 2020-12-19 19:46, Foshan City, arrived at Foshan Shunde Mail Processing Center 2020-12-19 19:37, Foshan City, leave the "Ronggui International E-commerce Business Department", the next stop (Guangzhou International) 2020-12-19 10:10, Foshan City, "Jonggui International E-commerce Business Department" has been received and sent
Number: EV944884485CN Package status: Pick up Country: China -> Ireland 2020-12-21 21:10, We have your post and are getting it ready for delivery 2020-12-21 12:10, DUBLIN PARCEL HUB, DUBLIN 12, Your delivery has been sorted in 2020-12-21 12:04, DUBLIN PARCEL HUB, DUBLIN 12, We have your post in 2020-12-21 12:03, DUBLIN PARCEL HUB, DUBLIN 12, Your delivery was received by An Post in
If my package left China on July 7th, then why is it taking so long to fly it to the USA useing e-packet? It should have been in US customs by now or was it on a slow plane that somehow is taking over 15 days to fly it here. I just don't understand the lengthy overseas flight. My tracking number is LK289331253CN.
My parcel RG022872279CN hasn't been updated since last month i want to know why its taking so long and i want to know where it is. it says that it left Goodman Parcel Workshop, Aviation Center, Shanghai Postal Service Division and is sending to the next stop, please give me an update on where it is and why its taking so long
EV949557465CN was shipped on Dec. 19 and is still in transit in China now.
EV944884485CN is in Ireland now. An Post should deliver it to you recently.
Number: EV949557465CN
Package status: In transit
Country: China -> Ireland
2020-12-20 13:07, Guangzhou City, has been handed over to the carrier transport
2020-12-20 12:54, Guangzhou City, leaving the Guangzhou International Center, the next stop, Guangzhou International Exchange Station (transit)
2020-12-20 04:11, Guangzhou City, Guangzhou International Center has been exported directly
2020-12-20 01:11, Guangzhou City, To reach Guangzhou International Center (transit)
2020-12-19 23:37, Foshan City, leave the "Foshan Shunde Mail Processing Center", the next stop "Guangzhou International Center"
2020-12-19 19:46, Foshan City, arrived at Foshan Shunde Mail Processing Center
2020-12-19 19:37, Foshan City, leave the "Ronggui International E-commerce Business Department", the next stop (Guangzhou International)
2020-12-19 10:10, Foshan City, "Jonggui International E-commerce Business Department" has been received and sent
Number: EV944884485CN
Package status: Pick up
Country: China -> Ireland
2020-12-21 21:10, We have your post and are getting it ready for delivery
2020-12-21 12:10, DUBLIN PARCEL HUB, DUBLIN 12, Your delivery has been sorted in
2020-12-21 12:04, DUBLIN PARCEL HUB, DUBLIN 12, We have your post in
2020-12-21 12:03, DUBLIN PARCEL HUB, DUBLIN 12, Your delivery was received by An Post in