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Where is my parcel


My tracking ID IS CP209855081CN where is my parcel and when it delivered to me

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472 Answer(s)

Where's my package tracking #AS811273119 CN, . I ordered 11/02/2022 and promised 5- 10 day delivery. As of 12/19/2022 no package received. Tried contacting (3 times) , seller got promise to investigate, yet haven't heard anything and no package.
It says my parcel has been delivered but it hasn’t we’re is it? The seller is not replying to my messages
Mi pedido tiene número de seguimiento HHH0000106280YQ. En el historial indica que mi pedido fue entregado el 13/12/22, y no me ha llegado nada aún. En caso de ser entregado, queda registro de quién recepcionó?. Espero con ansias ése pedido ya que es el regalo de Navidad de mi hija pequeña. Gracias
Quiero saber donde está mi paquete, el # HHH0000119204YQ

hi, can you please tell me if my parcel has arrived In Australia because ems China says it has come but there is no scan on the AusPost side and they are saying it has not arrived the tracking number is LV641657711CN
I never got my package I been waiting and waiting but I didn’t get it find out where u delivered it to cause it wasn’t me I need my package or my money back
Verificați AS811626229CN nu am primit coletul!apare ca livrat la adresa dar nu lam primit și nu ma contactat nimeni.
I have been waiting since dec. 28, 2022 for my AS750044340CN order. Why is it taking so long to receive and will it ever make it to me and once its hits the States who will be delivering to my door
Where is my parcel LB016887067CN
Where is my parcel? Tracking number AG123117535CN
Excuse me, where is the location of the letter from my Chinese friend?. the tracking number is RD594656030CN. I've been waiting for more than 2 months but still not arrived and the last tracking in Guangzhou, Guangdong on 26th February
Excuse me, where is the location of the letter from my Chinese friend?. the tracking number is RD594656030CN. I've been waiting for more than 2 months but still not arrived and the last tracking in Guangzhou, Guangdong on 26th February
Parcel LA152001225CN I've been tracking and see that the driver has been close to the area but hasn't delivered and the next day he's back to the same place location as the previous day.
my package shows it arrived in my town but the location it shows on tracking site map don't make sense, it also says usps will be handling delivery but when i spoke to them they have no records of my package, so who is actually handling it and whew is it cause it don't make sense
When I track my package it says deliver and I haven’t received my package can y’all please verified and let me know where I can call to see if my package is in that store thank you
Hello, the tracker says our package was delivered, but is was never delivered to our address, & like to know where it is?
My package tracking number is:AG124064017CN
Meu objeto está constando como entregue mas eu não recebi nada , rastreio HHH0000139880YQ não consigo contato com o vendedor pois ele não responde mensagem nem e-mail n do meu produto 00021597 compra feita em por favor se alguém puder me ajudar a logística haiheihui não compreendo este rastreamento pq nao específica nada direito
The status show my parcel was delivered .
Still i didn't Reseve.
Whear is my parcel.?
I hope i get my answer soon.?
My order numbers are AS750075023CN, AS750178081CN, and AS750214048CN. They've been in transit for quite some time... Where were they??
I ordered a package the code is AS750249105CN it keeps saying delivered but I haven't received it.
Tracking number is AS750032782CN
Says it was delivered 2 weeks ago and still don't have it
Where is my package AS750274634CN. Can you please help me with this?
AS750187975CN. Still have not received my package when it was supposedly delivered on April 4.

Canada, delivered
2023-04-04 00:23
AG185446624CN, says out of house delivery and to pick up, but doesn't say where to pick up from.
The tracking says it is delivered, but where?
I didnt recived the package!
You said the parcel was delivered on the 10th of April we have a door camera and no parcel was delivered that day. Please can you let us know what is happening
The tracking number is AQ667995708CN so let us know what is happening
My package RG014111602CN has been stuck in the customs area in Dubai for a week now
Hola necesito saber dónde está este paquete HHH0000250805YQ... Gracias
My tracking number is:
It states it was delivered to US, but I did not receive it.
Can you give me updates on this package?
Thank you.

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Please, help to find a parcel!!! № EA249428016CN (5 replies)

Please, can you help me to determine, where is my parcel?
The trucking number of my parcel is EA249428016CN.

The last place where the parcel was registered is Istanbul 01.02.17, (it had to fly to Budapest).
Could you please send a request to these air carriers where is my parcel now?
Could you please give some information for me and registrait location of parcel?

Thank you very much!

Where is my parcel? (1 reply)

I have a parcel currently in your system and was looking for an update.
I ordered the parcel over 3 weeks ago and was told it would arrive within those 3 weeks.
The current status of my parcel is ‘Shipment leaves processing center ’ this was updated 8 days ago and I’ve had nothing at all since. The seller doesn’t seem to understand what I am asking him and as told me multiple different (clearly made up) locations for where my parcel is.
Could you please inform me of where exactly my parcel is and how long roughly until it arrives at my door.
The parcel number is : AT017120665CN


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