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Where is my package? RV534094561CN


I have been waiting nearly a month. Where is my package? Tracking -RV534094561CN

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3 Answer(s)

EB733747537CN Is more than 53 days and the pack is still not be sent. Please I need help . I also payed express delivery and my pack is still in the original country China .
Please help me
I have more than 50 days of waiting for my package
In the tracking information it says departed country of origin and the tracking info it says departed country of origin ,help me please
Tracking number LB197216518SG
Hi Mad,

It's still in transit and hasn't been arrived in the US. If you couldn't receive it in time, you need to contact the seller to reflect the problem and get a solution as soon as possible.

Number: LB197216518SG
Package status: In transit
Country: China -> United States
2020-11-19 23:30 Hand over to airline
2020-11-18 20:00 Received by line-haul
2020-11-18 20:00 Outbound in sorting center
2020-11-18 14:35 Inbound in sorting center
2020-11-18 14:05 Accepted by carrier

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