Try to contact the seller to check it it for you. If he doesn't reply, it may be a scam. We have found many seller uses china post parcel to ship some junk to another address. The shipping is real, but the parcel does not contain the goods you purchased and the parcel address is not even to your address either. You need to call your bank and report fraud asap.
I have a package coming from China Post with tracking AQ604698907CN. When I look up the status of the package it shows out for delivery on October 9th. However, we have not received the package and was not informed to pick up the package either. I am wondering where this package is and when it will be redelivered.
I have a package from the Netherlands, and it was sent to China in last December. However, after the package failed to deliver (I received no message or call), the package somehow was sent back and the last time the specific location was given was one month ago in Shanghai. And the website shows that package was sent to another carrier. Is the package was sent back to the Netherlands? How can I have my package????
Hello, I have a package coming from China Post with tracking AT015954627CN. When I look up the status of the package it shows delivered on October 13th. However, we have not received the package and was not informed to pick up the package either. I am wondering where this package is and when it will be redelivered. Thank you
Try to contact the seller to check it it for you. If he doesn't reply, it may be a scam. We have found many seller uses china post parcel to ship some junk to another address. The shipping is real, but the parcel does not contain the goods you purchased and the parcel address is not even to your address either. You need to call your bank and report fraud asap.