When will package arrive? Tracking number DU9101163333YM
Asked by Wilson |
When will package be delivered to destination? How is it shipped? Air or Ship?
Tracking number DU9101163333YM
Thank you.
Tracking number DU9101163333YM
Thank you.
It's shipped by air by the courier Zhong You Ya Mao Logisitcs (中邮亚贸). It usually takes about 15-20 days to be delivered.
Order number: DU9101163333YM
Package status: In transit (12 days)
Country: China -> United States
2024-11-16 20:52 Shipment Departure from Processing Center [Hong Kong]
2024-11-14 19:43 Express Arrival Processing Center [Hong Kong]
2024-11-12 21:02 Export Customs/Release【Shenzhen】
2024-11-10 21:05 Mail Leaves Processing Center [Shenzhen]
2024-11-08 13:08 The mail has been sorted and is ready to be sent out [Shenzhen]
2024-11-06 19:40 Shenzhen Processing Center has received and sent【Shenzhen】