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When Will My Packages Arrive?


Hello, I would like to know when can I expect the Arrival of My 2 Packages Tracking Numbers RV519133135CN & RV518889254CN China To Mexico. When should it Arrive? Thank You Kindly!

You may get the answer from the following articles:

2 Answer(s)

Hi Kevin Burman,

If there is no delay for them, they should be delivered in this month. Shipping is taking longer due to the pandemic. The delivery time for packages couldn't be guaranteed now. It may be delayed. If you couldn't receive them in time, you need to contact the seller to reflect the problem and get a solution as soon as possible.
Thank You For The Information, Daisy

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Could you please arrange for all the packages to be delivered to me! After delivery, the seller can take back his refund.
I hope you can help me!
Thank you very much and kind regards,
Kristof Kuznia

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