This kind of package usually takes about 20-40 days to be delivered. You need to wait for more days to get it.
Number: AM690367415CN Package status: In transit Country: China -> United Kingdom 2024-12-25 18:53 Customs Clearance Completed【Shenzhen】, Export customs clearance completed【Customs Clearance Completed【Shenzhen】】 2024-12-24 07:03 In Transit【Shenzhen】, the express is in transit within the country, transiting on trunk lines 2024-12-22 23:39 Departure from【Shenzhen】, Departure 2024-12-19 20:19 Received by Carrier 【Shenzhen】, the carrier receives 2024-12-18 10:06 Departure from Processing Center 【Changsha】, the shipment leaves the processing center 【Departure from Processing Center 【Changsha】】 2024-12-17 22:26 Arrival at Processing Center【Changsha】, Express shipment arrives at Processing Center【Arrival at Processing Center【Changsha】】 2024-12-17 00:28 Departure from Processing Center【Changsha】, leave the collection point【Departure from Processing Center【Changsha】】 2024-12-16 18:50 Changsha City, China Post has received the mail
I have not received any email from my order from China yet will it take for my order to be delivered my order has been paid for my order through PayPal and pay for delivery at$7.99
Please could you tell me where my order is. I ordered from Carls Cripps on 28th September, thankyou. We have finished processing your order.
Your order was shipped via Shenzhen Huanmao Warehouse & Distribution Service Co., Ltd. Tracking number is UU246741865CN [Order #H82L30D1054] (August 28, 2021)
This kind of package usually takes about 20-40 days to be delivered. You need to wait for more days to get it.
Number: AM690367415CN
Package status: In transit
Country: China -> United Kingdom
2024-12-25 18:53 Customs Clearance Completed【Shenzhen】, Export customs clearance completed【Customs Clearance Completed【Shenzhen】】
2024-12-24 07:03 In Transit【Shenzhen】, the express is in transit within the country, transiting on trunk lines
2024-12-22 23:39 Departure from【Shenzhen】, Departure
2024-12-19 20:19 Received by Carrier 【Shenzhen】, the carrier receives
2024-12-18 10:06 Departure from Processing Center 【Changsha】, the shipment leaves the processing center 【Departure from Processing Center 【Changsha】】
2024-12-17 22:26 Arrival at Processing Center【Changsha】, Express shipment arrives at Processing Center【Arrival at Processing Center【Changsha】】
2024-12-17 00:28 Departure from Processing Center【Changsha】, leave the collection point【Departure from Processing Center【Changsha】】
2024-12-16 18:50 Changsha City, China Post has received the mail