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what is the meaning Despatched to OverSeas Postal Admin (From SG/SIN to PK/KHI)


It's the same from the mentioned date 6/9/2020 my parcel tracking number is RB003555052SG...can you tell where is it?

20 Answer(s)

Hi Honey,

It's in transit from Singapore to Pakistan now. There will be update when it arrives. Please wait for more days to get update.

Number: RB003555052SG
Package status: In transit
Country: China -> Pakistan
2020-09-06 11:54, PKKHI, Despatched to overseas
2020-08-29 23:30, China, Hand over to airline.
2020-08-29 11:12, Information Received
2020-08-29 10:07, Shenzhen,China, Depart from facility to service provider.
2020-08-28 02:24, Shendong Fenggang Warehouse, Shipment arrived at facility and measured.
2020-08-28 02:24, Shendong Fenggang Warehouse, 4PX picked up shipment.
Hi Daisy,
RB033375213SG My package is dispatched to overseas however I received alert for my package that it may lost. Can u help my for tracking my package?
my order number is LB211928065SG and it has been n Despatched to OverSeas Postal Admin (From SG/SIN to US/JFK)
2021-01-27 15:53:44 and it is taking wayy to long can u tell mi how far my order is please ?
Hi maranaeirena,

It's from Singapore to the US now. It takes about another 10-20 days to reach the US to my experience. You'd better wait for more days to get update.
RB070982742SG please check how many days to ship in Pakistan.
stuck on Despatched to overseas (Country code: PK)
Hi asadalikhan,

It should be reached in 20 days if there is no delay.

Tracking stuck on dispatched to overseas postal admin from 5 days. Can someone guide will will it get delivered?
Hi, my parcel number is LP204414136SG. It haven't move since last few days. Can you check it for me please? What is the current status? Where is the current location dan when can i expect the parcel arrival?

Thank you in advance.
Best Regards.
Hi Shahmi,

It's in Malaysia now. It should be delivered in ten days.

Number: LP204414136SG
Package status: In transit
Country: Singapore -> Malaysia
2021-07-03 09:29 PMIH KLIA, Clearance by Postal for customs inspection (Import)
2021-07-03 09:28 PMIH KLIA, International arrival
2021-06-30 10:48 International departure to
2021-06-30 10:48 Despatched to overseas (Country code: MY)
What is the status of my parcel LP205269700SG?
Hi, my parcel number is RB162560405SG. It haven't move since last few days. Can you check it for me please? What is the current status? Where is the current location dan when can i expect the parcel arrival?
Where is my order?
Can you tell me when it will arrive?

my order number is RB158238445SG and it has been n Despatched to OverSeas Postal Admin (From SG/SIN to US/JFK)
2021-11-25 and it is taking wayy to long can u tell mi how far my order is please ?
Hello my tracking number is RB188276941SG , it said dispatched to overseas postal admin , I want to know how long will it take to arrive in destination country ?is this airmail or sea freight ?
Hello, how are u? Could u help me with my order? I ordered something in 22april, its says it will arrive at 2Jun but im really not sure about that.
My order LB293729320SG
Hey, please could kindly help me with my package with o ordered on the 2nd of June and has been stuck on dispatched to overseas postal admin for many days now,
Tracking number:
Thank you in advance.
Hey, please could kindly help me with my package with o ordered on the 2nd of June and has been stuck on dispatched to overseas postal admin for many days now,
Tracking number: RB200565175SG
Thank you in advance.

hi sir plz check my order RB203263718SG

Despatched to OverSeas Postal Admin (From SG/SIN to PK/KHI)
Hi Zeeshan,

RB203263718SG is from Singapore to Pakistan now. You need to wait for more days to see it arrives in Pakistan.

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