China Post: 86 10 11185 EMS: 86 10 11183

What does awaiting release from china mean?


Can you tell me where my package is?

1 Answer(s)

Hi Anthony,

It has been depated from China on Dec.26. You'd better wait for more days to get update.

Number: AG325306072CN
Package status: In transit
Country: China -> United States
2022-12-26 01:09 The flight has departed from CHINA
2022-12-20 20:01 Shenzhen, mail leaves the commercial processing center
2022-12-20 19:58 Shenzhen, Leave [Hong Kong Fast Project Department], next stop【Guangshang Center】
2022-12-20 19:15 In Shenzhen, mail arrives at commercial processing centers
2022-12-20 14:16 SZX, LEAVE CHINA SZX
2022-12-20 12:44 Shenzhen, [Hong Kong Fast Project Department] has been received and sent

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