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Waiting for payment


My parcel from NZ to Shanghai, tracking shows it is waiting for payment - in transit. Last updated 24-06-19.

How do I make payment and how much

Parcel details EP458294065NZ
From New Zealand to Shanghai

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Waiting for payment (0 reply)

My parcel from NZ to Shanghai, tracking shows it is waiting for payment - in transit. Last updated 24-06-19.

How do I make payment and how much

Parcel details EP458294065NZ
From New Zealand to Shanghai

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I see that my package is waiting for custom as tax payment. How should I pay it?
This parcel is supposed to go to the delivery company and then be delivered further to me - will you send the details of tax payment to the delivery address or how you do that?

Thank you!

Waiting for Payment (1 reply)

hello how are you?
i have problem I don’t know how to pay or what needs to be paid for my order? can you help?

Order no. O240508969085
Tracking: EG017490263KR

Guangzhou,Dutiable item, Waiting for Payment

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