Waiting for Payment
Asked by Sophia |
hello how are you?
i have problem I don’t know how to pay or what needs to be paid for my order? can you help?
Order no. O240508969085
Tracking: EG017490263KR
Guangzhou,Dutiable item, Waiting for Payment
i have problem I don’t know how to pay or what needs to be paid for my order? can you help?
Order no. O240508969085
Tracking: EG017490263KR
Guangzhou,Dutiable item, Waiting for Payment
It needs the receiver in China to pay. The customs have sent the notice about how to pay for it. You can contact the receiver in China to check.
Order number: EG017490263KR
Package status: In transit (43 days)
Country: South Korea -> China
2024-05-15 13:10 Guangzhou City, waiting for users to pay taxes
2024-05-15 10:30 Guangzhou, mail has left [Guangzhou International Exchange Bureau] and is being sent to the next stop
2024-05-13 13:47 Guangzhou, Customs clearance
2024-05-12 15:51 Guangzhou, sent to import customs
2024-05-10 21:44 Leaving the overseas export exchange office (not yet arrived at China Post)
2024-05-10 20:40 Arrival at overseas export exchange bureau
2024-05-10 13:30 【KR】Received