It's sent by using China Post Ordinary Packet Plus which is a cheap service of China Post. China Post doesn't provide tracking service for it after it arrives in the USA. So, you can't get more update after Dec.16. It usually takes about 60-90 days to be delivered. If you couldn't get it in time, you need to contact the seller to give you a solution.
My tracking LV358428025CN is stoped in ‘handed over the carrier’ since 3rd of December, more than two weeks. I don’t have news about it, where is it? Is this long period normal? How can I get information about it? When will be arrived to my country? I think it is too much days. Please contact me back. Thank you
Hi, "Shenzhen, " Released from import customs" is the last update from 20 days ago, that I got for my order. Tracking number is RY525134996CN. Is there any clearance issue? Because the same thing happend now with my other order Tracking number: RY525164366CN. Why has tracking stopped at Shenzhen?
It's sent by using China Post Ordinary Packet Plus which is a cheap service of China Post. China Post doesn't provide tracking service for it after it arrives in the USA. So, you can't get more update after Dec.16. It usually takes about 60-90 days to be delivered. If you couldn't get it in time, you need to contact the seller to give you a solution.