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Tracking order Can you please give me update on package UD523544208CN


Can you please give me update on package UD523544208CN, where I purchased it the tracking says it is at Beijing exchange station (what is this) however on this site the tracking says it should have left on a flight to destination country yesterday, destination country is Australia.

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1 Answer(s)

There is no further update now. It's still at Beijing exchange station.

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Tracking order Can you please give me update on package UD523544208CN (1 reply)

Can you please give me update on package UD523544208CN, where I purchased it the tracking says it is at Beijing exchange station (what is this) however on this site the tracking says it should have left on a flight to destination country yesterday, destination country is Australia.

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Here is my tracking No#
I still not yet to received my order.
Please give me the update news and how to reschedule the date for delivering my order again . Please reply ASAP . Thank you for your help. And please call me HKTEL +852 62296449 would be better.

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