Tracking number LV933464553CN
Asked by Ric |
Hi there,
I ordered a package online with tracking number LV933464553CN
Can you please confirm this tracking number is correct and any details on when it will be shipped/arrive at destination.
I ordered a package online with tracking number LV933464553CN
Can you please confirm this tracking number is correct and any details on when it will be shipped/arrive at destination.
It's a correct tracking number. It's shipped on Jan.18 and usually takes about 20-30 days to be delivered.
Number: LV933464553CN
Package status: In transit
Country: China -> New Zealand
2024-01-18 21:20 Shanghai, Mail arrives at Shanghai International Exchange Bureau.
2024-01-18 20:13 Shanghai, Mail leaves [Shanghai Baoshan District Youyi Road Investment Department] and is being sent to [Shanghai International]
2024-01-18 19:11 Shanghai, the mail has been sorted and ready to be sent out at the [Shanghai Baoshan District Youyi Road Investment Department].
2024-01-18 16:01 Shanghai, China Post Mail has been collected