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Still in customs


Good afternoon. I would like to ask regarding the package that I send to Qingdao, tracking number EE181593701PH. It's till in customs for a month now. I don't know how to contact even the receiver of the package. Is there any way that I will know the reason why is still there? Please help. Thank you

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8 Answer(s)

Hi jeanm.,

It should be waiting for the seller to declare to the customs now. You'd better contact the seller to ask if he has received the notice from the customs. If no, let him call China customs service number 12360 to check.
Daisy 2/28/2021 7:40:09 PM

Hi jeanm.,

It should be waiting for the seller to declare to the customs now. You'd better contact the seller to ask if he has received the notice from the customs. If no, let him call China customs service number 12360 to check.

Thank you for your response Daisy. But my problem is I don't know how to contact my receiver in Qingdao and I don't have any contact number that I put in the package, only the name and the address not sure as well with the address if its exact. What should I do so that my reciever will receive it and if I can pay the cost for customs?? Please help I am so worried
Hi Jeanm,

It needs the recipient to cooperate in China. You'd better contact Phillippine Post to ask if yuo could do anything for it from Phillippine.
I already ask them about it and they said; "Subject mail was received at the office of exchange in China and held at Customs dated Jan. 30, 2021. Once mail forwarded to Customs in China, we do not have control and jurisdiction over that office. Kindly coordinate with them.".
So what will happen to the package now Daisy? Will it stay in China or will be back to me as the sender?
Hi Jeanm.,

In normal, if it couldn't passed the customs check and and it will be returned back to the sender.
Good afternoon Daisy. What will happen if the package was lost already? It was said that the customs lost it, said my receiver. What should I do? I already went to our post here in the Philippines but it's not usual for them to have this kind of situation. Please help Daisy. I am so sad, that this is what happened. :(
Hi Jeanm.,

If you couldn't receive it in time, you have the right to contact the seller to reflect the problem and get a solution as soon as possible.

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Thank you. Have a nice day.

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