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Status of AM345742156CN.


Can you tell me about the package related to AM345742156CN. What do you show as destination and status? Also can’t find any details on size or weight. Trying to find out if I have been scammed

2 Answer(s)

Hi Bfuller,

It means it's in transit in the USA now. You'd better wait for more days to receive it. For the weight and size of it, you need to require the seller to provide the proof to you.

2024-05-17 10:25
In/At Mailbox in the United States, international mail is in transit, Destination transfer, international mail is in transit
The tracking shows it’s been in my small town of Vancouver wa for over a week. What is the hold up. When will it be delivered?

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Can you tell me about the package related to AM345742156CN. What do you show as destination and status? Also can’t find any details on size or weight. Trying to find out if I have been scammed

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Tracking shows this package in my small town of Vancouver wa for over a week now. What is the hold up? And when will it be delivered?

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