Status explanation Asked by 1990 | 12/14/2020 12:49:12 PM 0 What does ‘Arrival at destination’ mean? And how long it takes for the package to be delivered? 1 Answer(s) Daisy | 12/14/2020 11:45:06 PM Reply 0 Hi 1990,It means it's in the middle location now. It takes about another 20-40 days to be delivered. Related Questions Status explanation (1 reply) What does ‘Arrival at destination’ mean? And how long it takes for the package to be delivered? I searched my tracking and I don't know what the explanation means (3 replies) I'm confused Item not moving since May 20. (1 reply) I am currently awaiting a parcel (LT113051953NL).Its status has been "the item is at the shippers warehouse" since May 20.I contacted the sender and PostNl, none have been able to tell me why the parcel still hasn't been treated. Nor its current location.Could you provide me with an estimate or any kind of explanation? How can I receive my order? (1 reply) my orden ..RG017819029CN (0 reply) my parcel isn’t update since 12/7 what happen? (1 reply) Where is my parcel? (1 reply) Where is my parcel? (2 replies) Answer This Question User Name: Email: Details of Your Reply: 'Questions and Answers' opens during working days(from Monday-Friday). You are not allowed to post or reply questions now. Thank you for your cooperation. Submit Reset Thank you!Your answer has been posted successfully! Submited Failed
It means it's in the middle location now. It takes about another 20-40 days to be delivered.