China Post: 86 10 11185 EMS: 86 10 11183

Status And Destination Of Package


Hello! I am writing regarding a package with tracking number UD937638630CN

Do you know whether the package has left China yet?

Also, can you tell what city and state the package is going to? I believe the seller may have gotten my address wrong.

Thank you for your help!

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4 Answer(s)

Hi Ben,

Sorry, we couldn't know the address that the seller used. You need to contact the seller to ask. This package has been returned back to China now. It arrived in the US on Nov. 30 and then returned back. Contact the seller to reflect the problem and give you a solution as soon as possible.
hello i was wondering where is my package now? i have been waiting for my package for about three weeks now. and also i'm wondering how long will my package to come?.
My parcels destination keeps changing on unregistered china post! Its said Spain then Singapore & now Czech republic! What's going on? UP738000812CN
Hi Care77,

UP738000812CN has no destinatioan for it in tracking system. Only the following information is available:

2020-02-18 19:11:35 Order generated/Shipping Label Created,Guangdongsheng

This neans the seller just created the order but hasn't shipped it. You need to push the seller to ship the package immediately if you are urgent.

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