Shipment not received, seller insists that it arrived Nº AT484289982CN
Asked by C arlos Beautell |
Name of the transport company and contact telephone number (WhatsApp or email address.
- Postal address of the GELVES delivery centre where the package arrived and telephone number. Delivered ES Andalucia GELVES, on Monday 19th August.
- I have verified that it is not the Spanish post office
As long as a signed delivery document is not presented, the seller is responsible for the loss, however eBay tells me that the refund of the amount is not applicable, because the seller claims that it arrived. That is why the proof of delivery, even if it is from a neighbour, must exist. The delivery address is very correct, I receive shipments very frequently at that address. Working hours from 09:00 to 14:30.
It is very easy to prove the arrival of the package, show me the name and signature of the person who received it. When a package is delivered anywhere in the world, this delivery signature and name are required. Many thank
This is a scam. We have got many fraud similar to your case. The seller shipped some junk to another address in your city. Cheater did this shipping action because cheater needs a "delivery " tracking result to claim payment from victim's credit card bank (Many banks require seller to provide a shipping proof before releasing money to vendor). Please call your bank and report fraud asap.