RV416096081CN Pakage is transit for more than 3 weeks
Asked by Adnan |
RV416096081CN My parcel is in transit from more than 3 weeks now. Last update was on 5 May. When my parcel will arrive. Is it stuck somewhere. Whats the issue?
3 Answer(s)

So, my parcel is still stuck in China. Its been 25 days now still stuck in transit. I can understand that this pandemic is causig delays. But its too much now. Could you please tell me how long maximum they will took to deliver?

Hi Adnan,
If you couldn't receive it within two months, you'd better contact the seller to give you a solution in time.
If you couldn't receive it within two months, you'd better contact the seller to give you a solution in time.
It's still stuck in Dongguan now. Due to the coronavirus, packages are processed slowly. The time for it to move again depends on the processing time of China Post. Please wait for more days to get update. If you couldn't receive it within the promised time, contact the seller to give you a solution in time.