China Post: 86 10 11185 EMS: 86 10 11183

Return package to seller estimated delivery date?


I got a return label from seller to send back the faulty product back to them in China using USPS CJ491453772US. Below is the tracking I see so far and the package is now stuck in Shenzhen import from Nov 18. I see it cleared Guangzhou City import and then went to Shenzhen import. Is it common for package to pass thru import twice? Is there a way to find estimated delivery date for this package? Apologies for the question as this is very first time I sent something from United States to China.

2022-11-18 11:32
Shenzhen, sent to import customs

2022-11-18 09:42
Shenzhen, Arrive at [Guangdong International Exchange Bureau] (via transfer)

2022-11-18 05:40
Guangzhou City, leave [Guangzhou International Exchange Bureau], next stop [Shenzhen International Exchange Bureau of Guangdong Province] (via transfer)

2022-11-18 05:32
Guangzhou, Arrive at [Guangzhou International Exchange Bureau] (via transfer)

2022-11-16 04:55
Guangzhou City, sent to the import customs

2022-11-12 00:29
Los Angeles, [Los Angeles] has been delivered to the carrier

2022-11-09 04:39
Los Angeles, Leaving the Overseas Export Exchange Bureau (not yet arriving at China Post)

2022-11-09 04:39
Los Angeles, Arrive at the Foreign Export Interchange Bureau

2022-11-02 10:39
United States, [United States] received

Origin - Sync Time: 2022-11-22 23:02:20 (GMT-08:00)
2022-11-18 11:32
CHINA, Customs Clearance -> Your item is being processed by customs in CHINA at 11:32 am on November 18, 2022.

2022-11-18 09:56
CHINA, Arrived at Facility

2022-11-16 04:55
CHINA, Customs Clearance

2022-11-14 13:00
CHINA, Processed Through Facility

2022-11-13 00:24

2022-11-12 20:29
JAPAN, TOKYO, Departed

2022-11-10 11:44

2022-11-10 09:13

2022-11-09 04:39

2022-11-09 04:39

2022-11-08 00:00
In Transit to Next Facility

2022-11-04 20:09
CARSON, CA 90747, Arrived at USPS Facility

2022-11-02 21:34
KENT, WA 98035, Departed USPS Facility

2022-11-02 21:34
KENT, WA 98035, Arrived at USPS Facility

2022-11-02 10:39
SEATTLE, WA 98116, USPS in possession of item

2022-10-31 06:27
SEATTLE, WA 98116, Shipping Label Created, USPS Awaiting Item

1 Answer(s)

Hi Arjit,

It's delayed at Shenzhen customs now. If it's stuck for 10 days, it should be waiting for the receiver in China to declare to the customs now. You'd better contact the receiver in China to ask if he has received the notice from the customs. If no, let him check through authorized tax collection system ( to check or call China customs service number 12360 to check.

Number: CJ491453772US
Package status: In transit
Country: United States -> China
2022-11-18 11:32 Shenzhen, sent to import customs
2022-11-18 09:42 Shenzhen, Arrive at [Guangdong International Exchange Bureau] (via transfer)
2022-11-18 05:40 Guangzhou City, leave [Guangzhou International Exchange Bureau], next stop [Shenzhen International Exchange Bureau of Guangdong Province] (via transfer)
2022-11-18 05:32 Guangzhou, Arrive at [Guangzhou International Exchange Bureau] (via transfer)
2022-11-16 04:55 Guangzhou City, sent to the import customs
2022-11-12 00:29 Los Angeles, [Los Angeles] has been delivered to the carrier
2022-11-09 04:39 Los Angeles, Leaving the Overseas Export Exchange Bureau (not yet arriving at China Post)
2022-11-09 04:39 Los Angeles, Arrive at the Foreign Export Interchange Bureau
2022-11-02 10:39 United States, [United States] received

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