China Post: 86 10 11185 EMS: 86 10 11183

price for 30 kilo from China to Greece by surface


please can you tell me the price to send 30 kilos and 10 kilos parcel to Greece by surface ( boat) ,how much will be in American dollars,
thank you in advance George

2 Answer(s)

Hi George Papadakis,

Surface ( boat) is not available to Greece. You can only sent by air or via SAL. Weight limit for each package is 20kg.

Air: 133.5rmb for the first 1kg and 59.7 rmb for each additional 1kg.
SAL: 122.4rmb for the first 1kg and 43.9 rmb for each additional 1kg.
Details for SAL
Please can you help me I want to send 3 parcels of 10 kilos each by SAL to Greece from china ,please can you tell me how much will cost in usd because the dealer tells me that China post you can send only small parcels 1,or 2 kilos,I
Thank you very much for your help
George Papadakis

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