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Pocco consegnato non ricevuto


Traking AS824225643CN shipment consegnato ma mai ricevuto dove si trova il mio account prova firma consegnato

1 Answer(s)

Hi Maurizio Colace,

We could only provide you the tracking information. For signature, you need to require the seller to provide it to you.

Order number: AS824225643CN
Package status: Successfully signed for (37 days)
Country: China -> Italy
2024-06-19 18:16 Terranuova Bracciolini, Arezzo, 52028, IT, Delivered [IT]
2024-06-18 16:14 Terranuova Bracciolini, Arezzo, IT, Delivery out [IT]
2024-06-16 14:12 Terranuova Bracciolini, Arezzo, IT, Express shipment leaves processing center [IT]
2024-06-13 12:10 Terranuova Bracciolini, Arezzo, IT, Express Arrival Processing Center [IT]
2024-06-10 10:08 Arezzo, transfer to destination【Arezzo】
2024-06-07 06:06 IT DISTRIBUTION CENTER, the express delivery leaves the processing center [IT]
2024-06-04 04:04 IT, Express arrival processing center [IT]
2024-05-30 23:02 IT, customs clearance completed in the destination country【IT】
2024-05-25 21:00 IT International Airport, Arrival【IT】
2024-05-21 18:58 IT, Arrival【IT】
2024-05-16 16:56 HK, Departure【HKG】
2024-05-14 04:47 Shenzhen, leaving the collection point [Shenzhen]
2024-05-14 02:30 The Shenzhen Processing Center has received the shipment. The shipment has arrived at the processing center. [The Shenzhen Processing Center has received the shipment.]

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Attendo risposta, cordiali saluti.
Barbieri Giulia

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