China Post: 86 10 11185 EMS: 86 10 11183

Please help me !!!!!!!


hi CP404430465CN please check this number I have been waiting so long time my package. it's already 2 years. Seriously I cannot believe why this company is working like this. I worried about my package. I can't contact anyone. No one is helping me. I asked my teacher She always your country mail way closed. But how other people take packages and orders I don't understand. I paid a lot of money. It's so expensive. my country is really near china but why still don't send my package. Please help me.

2 Answer(s)

Hi saaraa_999,

It's not normal for it. To my experience, it has been lost. It's sent by a slow way of China Post. China Post doesn't provide full tracking service for it. So, you can't get update after October 30. Also, the sender couldn't get any compensation if it's lost.
hi, daisy thank you for replying to me I think it's not lost still in Inner Mongolia. I checked the tracking number. The location is in Inner Mongolia and in transit. I hope one day they call me and they said to arrive at your package. I believe it hehe :)

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