Parcel has no update since the 12th.
Asked by Kcuthbert |
Parcel has not been updated in 5 days could you please check.
Parcel has not been updated in 5 days could you please check.
It just left China on Octover 17. You need to wait for more days to see it arrives in UK.
Number: EV055093545CN
Package status: In transit
Country: China -> United Kingdom
2024-10-17 23:24 Airline departure
2024-10-12 13:36 Airlines receive
2024-10-12 13:36 Zhengzhou City, handed over to the carrier for transportation
2024-10-12 13:07 Zhengzhou City, the email has left [Zhengzhou International Exchange Bureau] and is being sent to the next stop.
2024-10-12 10:42 Zhengzhou City, [Zhengzhou International Exchange Bureau] has been exported directly
2024-10-12 10:42 Zhengzhou City, Export Customs/Release
2024-10-12 08:20 Zhengzhou City, delivered to export customs
2024-10-12 08:06 Zhengzhou City, the mail arrived at [Zhengzhou International Exchange Bureau]
2024-10-11 18:44 Zhengzhou City, the email has left [Zhengzhou Economic Development and Investment Department] and is being sent to [Zhengzhou International]
2024-10-11 18:43 Zhengzhou City, the mail has been sorted at [Zhengzhou Economic Development East Investment Department] and is ready to be sent out
2024-10-11 18:01 Zhengzhou City, China Post has received the mail