China Post: 86 10 11185 EMS: 86 10 11183

Parcel arrived at Baoding City Regional Sorting Center on April 3th


I am waiting for a parcel sent from Italy, On your website it results arrived at Baoding City Regional Sorting Center on April 3t, 8.24pm, and then no further notices. Could I know when it will arrive at Shenyang, where I live and where the parcel is addressed?
Tracking code is CP080272331IT
THank you in advance.
Kind regards,
Edoardo Villata/ Luo Entian

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Help? (2 replies)

I’ve been doing research online to figure out what’s been going on with my package because it’s been a month and it’s still in China. I’m noticing that most, if not all, people’s tracking numbers say “Arrival at Sorting Center,BeiJingShi beijingguojijiaohuanzhan” on the same day that it says “Despatch from Sorting Center,BeiJingShi 10130048” (which is where my package is stuck at) before being transferred to the U.S, but my tracking number doesn’t say “arrival at sorting center” and it’s been 4’ days so I feel like there’s yet another problem. My package was supposedly sent to the exchange station TWICE, but never exported to the U.S, so I’m not sure what’s going on. I had to wait a month for a new update on this tracking number so I don’t want to have to wait another month.
P.S. The item I ordered does not involve anything sensitive that should’ve been sent back to be double checked which is why I’m confused about the return notice. I feel as though it’s just going to keep getting sent back to be checked since there is no update for it arriving at a sorting center.

Information from 17TRACK:
(*LATEST UPDATE*) 2020-05-07 18:13, Beijing, leaving the Beijing International Tianyi Processing Center, the next stop , Beijing International Mail Exchange Station (via transfer)

2020-05-07 13:23, Beijing, Beijing International Tianyi Processing Center has been exported directly sealed

2020-05-07 12:35, Beijing, Beijing International Tianyi Processing Center return, note: security return

2020-05-01 21:21, Beijing, Beijing International Mail Exchange Station Returned

2020-04-05 10:17, Beijing, Beijing International Tianyi Processing Center has been exported directly sealed

2020-04-05 01:24, Beijing, arriving at Beijing Terminal (via transfer)

2020-04-04 21:18, Baoding City, leaving Baoding Mail Processing Center, the next stop , Beijing Terminal

2020-04-03 19:41, Baoding City, arriving at Baoding Mail Processing Center

2020-04-03 19:39, Baoding City, leaving Baoding City White Groove Transfer Investment Department, the next stop " Baoding Mail Processing Center"

2020-04-03 17:52, Baoding City, Baoding City Baigou Commanding Investment Department has received, Agent: Guo Haoran, Tel: 13472281291

2020-04-03  17:52:00 HeBeiShengBaoDingShi baigousudiwuliufengongsi Posting

2020-04-03 19:39:44 HeBeiShengBaoDingShi baigousudiwuliufengongsi Despatch from Sorting Center

2020-04-03 19:41:35 HeBeiShengBaoDingShi youjianchulizhongxin Arrival at Sorting Center

2020-04-04 21:18:14 HeBeiShengBaoDingShi youjianchulizhongxin Despatch from Sorting Center

2020-04-05 01:24:50 BeiJingShi TIANQIAOSUDI Arrival at Sorting Center

2020-04-05 14:56:27 BeiJingShi 10130048 Despatch from Sorting Center

2020-05-07 17:22:22 BeiJingShi 10130048 Despatch from Sorting Center

As you can see, there is no “Arrival at Sorting Center,BeiJingShi beijingguojijiaohuanzhan”. It doesn’t say anything about being sent to the US either. I was told to wait until May 15 by the seller before they gave me a refund, but I REALLY need this item more than a refund.

My Parcel from UK to china is stacked at Departure from Regional Sorting Center (1 reply)

My Parcel has been stacked in Departure from Regional Sorting Center status since 24 Jan 2022

23:56:00Departure from Office of ExchangeLANGLEY
2022-01-0809:10:00Dispatched from Office of ExchangeLANGLEY
2022-01-2120:13:07Arrival at Regional Sorting CenterShanghaiCity
2022-01-2205:51:02Departure from Regional Sorting CenterShanghaiCity
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2022-01-2410:11:17Departure from Regional Sorting CenterShenzhen

Is the package go back to its origin??? (1 reply)

Please help me? What is this status? Was It returns to the seller?? I don't understand.

China Post tracking #LZ847606571CN
May 15, 2021 10:40am Item Presented to Customs Jinan
May 15, 2021 5:40am Departure from Regional Sorting Center Jinan
May 15, 2021 3:02am Arrival at Regional Sorting Center Jinan
May 14, 2021 7:30pm Departure from Regional Sorting Center BeijingCity
May 13, 2021 3:31pm Departure from Regional Sorting Center BeijingCity
May 12, 2021 3:31pm Returned BeijingCity
May 11, 2021 7:53pm Departure from Regional Sorting Center BeijingCity
May 11, 2021 6:47pm Returned BeijingCity
May 11, 2021 9:24am Received by the carrier
May 11, 2021 5:33am Handed over to Forwarding Agent for Transit BeijingCity
May 10, 2021 7:56pm Departure from Regional Sorting Center BeijingCity
May 10, 2021 7:35pm Dispatched from Office of Exchange BeijingCity
May 9, 2021 2:29pm Departure from Regional Sorting Center BeijingCity
May 9, 2021 7:31am Arrival at Regional Sorting Center BeijingCity
May 9, 2021 1:25am Departure from Regional Sorting Center Jinan
May 8, 2021 4:40pm Departure from Regional Sorting Center Jinan
May 7, 2021 8:32pm Arrival at Regional Sorting Center Jinan
May 7, 2021 7:09pm Depature from Local Sorting Center Jinan
May 7, 2021 7:04pm Package Received Jinan

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