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Package Stuck on Arrival at Processing Center


Why has my package been stuck on Arrival at Processing Center for 12 days. Did it get seized or is the it just being slow. Tracking number: AT494540780CN

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US,Arrival at Processing Center [US Kentucky US]
2023-10-05 00:38:21

US,Departure from Processing Center [US Kentucky US]
2023-10-01 10:37:55

US,Arrival at Processing Center [US Kentucky US]
2023-09-28 04:51:31

US,Departure from Processing Center [US Kentucky US]
2023-09-25 09:43:50

US,Arrival at Processing Center [US Kentucky US]
2023-09-18 00:00:52

US,Customs Clearance Completed [US US]
2023-09-14 01:05:23

US,Arrival at Customs in [US US]

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