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Package stuck in Customs


my DHL package is stuck in customs. The receiver is unwilling to contact customs and pay the possible fee to release the package. How can I contact customs and pay the fee, if required, so that the package can be finally shipped to the seller. It's a return from a order.
The DHL package number is: CY287642624DE
Thank you.

1 Answer(s)

Hi Qwanobi,

You can use WeChat to finish payment. Just doenload WeChatm sign up and then search 'ems 邮件代理报关' from WeChat Mini Program(微信小程序). Then click '帮他人缴税' to check how much you need to pay and finish payment. They support payment through Alipay, WeChat and bank card.

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The DHL package number is: CY287642624DE
Thank you.

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