China Post: 86 10 11185 EMS: 86 10 11183

Package says arrived in Destination Country


Please can you let me know the status of this package, as in Tracking it says it has arrived in the "destination country", but this is showing as Netherlands when my actual European country is Malta!? Tracking number: RU709123638NL

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7 Answer(s)

Hi drew,

It needs to be transited from there. You'd better wait for more days to get update showing it arrives in Malta.

Number: RU709123638NL
Package status: In transit
Country: China -> Malta
2020-06-13 20:39, Airline arrive at destination country
2020-06-11 20:00, Hand over to airline
2020-06-10 11:07, Received by line-haul
2020-06-09 20:54, Order information received by carrier
2020-06-09 20:54, Outbound in sorting center
2020-06-08 22:55, Inbound in sorting center
2020-06-08 22:25, Accepted by carrier

Destination Country, Item arrived to destination country RH124876700TR
Tracking details shows as:
12:48 am
Arrival at Destination

I have not received the package at 12:48am in the morning.
Can you please let me know where my package is?
Tracking number:

The status of my package had been arrived at destination country since 14-ago-2020 10:08
Can you please let me know where my package is?
Tracking number: RB966424296SG
Hi JorgeBarragan,

It arrived in Colombia on August 14 and needs some days to be delivered to your address. Wait for more days to see.
Number: RB966424296SG
Package status: Expired
Country: China -> Colombia
2020-08-14 10:08, Arrival at Destination
2020-07-09 11:49, COBOG, Despatched to overseas
2020-05-25 23:30, HK, Hand over to airline.
2020-05-25 12:25, Information Received
2020-05-25 11:31, Domestic Air Cargo Termina,Shenzhen,China, Depart from facility to service provider.
Hi Daisy, thanks for your answer, it's been more than a month and it's still in the same state "2020-08-14 10:08
Arrival at Destination Post (Country: CO) ", is this normal?

I have to worry when you say "Package status: Expired"?
This is Tracking number is RQ793557416CN
Its say arrive in india but and again transit is its in India or still china

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