Package RE136913705LT in transit for 90 days
Asked by Gintare |
Would you please specify the status of RE136913705LT package? Last update was made on 12 th of July that the package “Arrive at sorting center Jiujiang, Jiangxi” with the note that “This is the final status. Carrier doesn't provide further tracking updates“.
Thank you!
Would you please specify the status of RE136913705LT package? Last update was made on 12 th of July that the package “Arrive at sorting center Jiujiang, Jiangxi” with the note that “This is the final status. Carrier doesn't provide further tracking updates“.
Thank you!
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1 Answer(s)

There may be problem for the address that makes it stuck there for a long time. You need to let the receiver contact China Post by calling 11185 to check it as soon as possible.