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Package has been stuck for over a month in Guangzhou


Hi there, I have a package that has been stuck in Guangzhou mailing centre since 20th August, would you please help to provide an update of what's happening? Tracking no. is LV218549270CN . Thank you!

2 Answer(s)

Hi kmkmkmkm,

It was handed over to the carrier transport on August 20 and takes about 30-60 days to have update showing it arrives in Hong Kong after that. You'd better wait for more days to get update. If there is no update in two months, you need to contact the seller to get a solution as soon as possible.
Thank you for your reply, but it's already nearly 2 months and I will be moving in a few weeks. Are you saying it takes that long just for tracking update or for it to get to HK from Guangzhou?

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