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Package delivery date


Please update me about my package deliver date ,Tracking Number : AG092441443CN .

1 Answer(s)

Hi Rana Imran,

There is no update for it now. You'd better wait for more days to get update. If it's stuck for over 15 days, it's not normal, then, you need to contact the seller to check it for you and give you a solution in time.

Number: AG092441443CN
Package status: In transit
Country: China -> United States
2023-05-15 09:36 CA USA, destination country customs clearance completed【CA USA】
2023-05-13 08:18 Los Angeles USA, arrival
2023-05-11 08:12 HongKong, Qiyun
2023-05-10 10:30 Dongguan City, Express Departure Processing Center【Dongguan City】
2023-05-10 09:55 Dongguan City, Express Arrival Processing Center【Dongguan City】
2023-05-10 08:23 HongKong, Express Arrival Center【HongKong】
2023-05-09 17:30 Dongguan City, leave [Dongguan International Company Direct International Business Department], the next stop【Guangshang Center】
2023-05-09 17:17 Dongguan City, [Dongguan International Company Direct International Business Department] has been received

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