Pacco non consegnato
Asked by Sylvana Lydia Totola |
Dicono pacco consegnato a me non è arrivato nulla !
Spedizione n AM301525303CN
Si prega di spedirlo quanto prima altrimenti farò denuncia
Dicono pacco consegnato a me non è arrivato nulla !
Spedizione n AM301525303CN
Si prega di spedirlo quanto prima altrimenti farò denuncia
According to the tracking information, AM301525303CN was delivered on April 19. If you don't get it, you need to contact the seller to reflect the problem and get a solution from the seller as soon as possible. Only the seller can require China Post to do a formal trace investigation about where it was delivered to and who signed for it. If the seller doesn't reply you, you can file a complaint from the place where you bought it.