China Post: 86 10 11185 EMS: 86 10 11183

Ordered Jan. 19, 2023


They mis delivered my first pkg. So sent me a new pkg. I still have NOT received. Is it normal for a pkg. to go from hina to Hungary destination is in United States . They will not provide me any information as to who is delivering pkg. or when it will arrive, nothing. Tracking # AS750194106CN

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WUYOU0000224211 (1 reply)

Your package was delivered successfully to the addressee.
- Çin
- No phone

- Senkronize Zaman: 2023-10-09 08:13:46 (GMT+03:00)
2023-10-03 08:35
土耳其, 已妥投

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土耳其, 派件中

2023-09-30 08:35
土耳其, 离开处理中心

2023-09-29 08:35
土耳其, 到达寄达地处理中心

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土耳其, 到达寄达地

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土耳其, 送交境外进口海关

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2023-09-20 08:35
北京, 已交承运商运输

2023-09-19 08:35
北京, 离开【北京望京国际互换局】,下一站【北京航空邮件国际交换站】(经转)

2023-09-18 08:35
北京, 【北京望京国际互换局】已出口直封

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北京, 到达【北京航邮航站运输车间】(经转)

2023-09-15 08:35
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Hello. When I query the PTT cargo number in Turkey with this tracking number WUYOU0000224211, I cannot view a cargo. Generally, in Turkey, cargoes from abroad are inquired with the LV..... extension. Can you help me!

Why is my package all over the place first it was in (0 reply)

My package was in shenzhen then it’s in shanghai what’s the issue why is my package not in America and I order it from

Shipping Status Detail
2023-11-25 07:21:00,启运【中国】,上海,2023-11-25 07:21:00
2023-11-25 07:21:00,启运【中国】,transit
2023-11-21 20:11:00,快件离开处理中心【上海】,transit
2023-11-17 20:21:00,离开收寄点【深圳】,transit
2023-11-17 20:16:00,快件到达处理中心【深圳处理中心已收寄】,transit

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