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Order expired?


My order has been repeatedly tracked as "Item leaving Overseas" at least three times since January. When I track it now, it tells me the order has been leaving Overseas since the 1st of April, and is expired. What does the expired mean, and has the package even left China? Do I need to do anything to get my package? LL972386447CN

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1 Answer(s)

Hi Vincent,

The package is delayed due to the coronavirus. In normal, it should be delivered within two months, as it has been over two months, the delivery time is expired automatically in tracking system. Accoring to the last tracking information, it was delivered to air transport on April 19 and should have left China in late April or early May. You can not know the exact situation when it's in the middle locations. It usually takes about another 15-40 days (after it left China) to reach and there will be further update when it arrives. Please wait for more days to see. If you couldn't receive it within the promised time, contact the seller to give you a solution in time.

Number: LL972386447CN
Package status: Expired
Country: China -> United Kingdom
2020-04-19 20:18, Shanghai, delivered to air transport
2020-04-03 06:24, Shanghai, arriving at the Shanghai Wanggang Mail Processing Center (via transfer)
2020-04-01 19:12, Wuhan City, arriving at Wuhan Mail Processing Center (via transfer)
2020-04-01 16:29, Wuhan City, leaving the Wuhan International Processing Center, the next stop , Wuhan Mail Processing Center (via transfer)
2020-04-01 14:12, Wuhan City, Wuhan International Processing Center has been exported directly sealed
2020-04-01 14:12, Wuhan City, Wuhan International Processing Center return, note: security return
2020-03-28 12:40, Shanghai, Shanghai International Mail Exchange Station Returned
2020-03-21 19:09, Shanghai, arriving at the Shanghai Wanggang Mail Processing Center (via transfer)
2020-03-19 19:02, Wuhan City, Wuhan International Processing Center has been exported directly sealed
2020-03-19 13:34, Wuhan City, Wuhan International Processing Center return, note: security return
2020-03-17 10:57, Wuhan City, Wuhan International Exchange Station returned
2020-01-22 00:11, Wuhan, delivered to air transport
2020-01-21 14:01, Wuhan City, Wuhan International Processing Center has been exported directly sealed
2020-01-20 23:08, Wuhan City, arriving at Wuhan International Processing Center (via transfer)
2020-01-20 21:59, Filial piety city, leaving the filial piety center, the next stop " Wuhan International Processing Center"
2020-01-20 16:03, Filial piety city, to reach the filial piety center
2020-01-20 15:53, Filial piety city, leave the "filial sense city international marketing center", the next stop " filial piety center"
2020-01-20 15:35, Filial sense city, "filial sense city international marketing center" has received

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