not receive parcel after 60 days in transit
Asked by sam2000 |
My tracking RV873156840CN.
It shipped from china and the destination is india.But the tracking last shows send item abroad for last 27 days.Can anyone tell where the parcel is? Is the parcel lost?
It shipped from china and the destination is india.But the tracking last shows send item abroad for last 27 days.Can anyone tell where the parcel is? Is the parcel lost?
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3 Answer(s)

Hi. I am inuring about my package tracking number # LY071415672CN. It is shipping from to Dongguan City, China to San Diego, California, USA. I have been checking the status item and the last update was on May 8th and it was in the Shenzhen Interchange Bureau. I would like to know if there any new updates regarding this item (shipping, status) and when will I be expecting it to arrive.

My parcel has been in transit for over 60 days, and I have not received it. I want to know where the delay is from. Thanks.
It's still on the way to India now. If you couldn't receive it within two months, it's not normal. Better contact the seller to give you a solution as soon as possible.