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Not delivery!!! Tracking:AM104084437CN


Not Delivery!!! Where my package???

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Not delivery!!! Tracking:AM104084437CN (0 reply)

Not Delivery!!! Where my package???

The delivery is out for delivery since 1 week (0 reply)

The delivery from the tracking information is out for delivery since 1 week.
Tracking : AM349947190CN
is possible to receive it or the package is lost?

Waiting for response

Says "attempted delivery" but not a trace of my parcel then (2 replies)

The delivery tracking site says someone tried to deliver the parcel but I have no more info. No info of the delivery in my mailbox or anywhere, + I was at home on april the 14th... What happends?

I really don't know what to do...

Would you help?
Thank you

e-EMS tracking : EV947491868CN

2016.04.14 04:20 (GMT-7): Attempted delivery
2016.04.13 20:46 (GMT-7): Arrival at Delivery Office
2016.04.13 09:36 (GMT-7): Attempted delivery

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