China Post: 86 10 11185 EMS: 86 10 11183

Need to track lost package from China to US


Item never arrived from company to United States. This is the tracking number they gave me, but I'm not sure it was sent China Post: FEISZ1703589053YQ

6 Answer(s)

Hi Phillip Ramirez,

It was delivered on August 24. If you don't receive it, you need to contact the seller to reflect the problem and get a solution in time.

Number: FEISZ1703589053YQ
Package status: Delivered (54 Days)
Country: China -> United States
2020-08-24 14:32, FL, JACKSONVILLE, 32223, Delivered
2020-08-24 06:10, FL, JACKSONVILLE, 32223, Out for Delivery
2020-08-24 04:58, FL, JACKSONVILLE, 32257, Arrived at USPS Delivery Unit
2020-08-23 14:48, FL, JACKSONVILLE, 32099, In Transit
2020-08-23 03:09, FL, JACKSONVILLE, 32099, Arrived at USPS Facility
2020-08-23 02:57, FL, JACKSONVILLE, 32099, Arrived at USPS Facility
2020-08-22 23:56, FL, TALLAHASSEE, 32301
2020-08-22 04:36, FL, TALLAHASSEE, 32301, In Transit
2020-08-22 03:21, FL, JACKSONVILLE, 32257, Arrived at USPS Delivery Unit
2020-08-05 10:30, FL, JACKSONVILLE, 32257, In Transit
2020-08-03 11:00, GA, Atlanta, 30349, Delivered to Pitney Bowes Facility
2020-08-01 03:15, CA, COMMERCE, 90040, In Transit
2020-08-01 02:24, FL, JACKSONVILLE, 32257, Picked up and Processed by Agent
2020-08-01 02:23, CA, COMMERCE, 90040-3416, Departed Pitney Bowes Facility
2020-08-01 01:00, CA, COMMERCE, 90040, Picked Up
2020-07-31 05:45, CA, COMMERCE, 90040-3416, Inducted into Pitney Bowes Network
2020-07-06 12:58, NY, Valley Stream, 11581, Electronic Shipping Info Received
I haven’t to receive my package order was made on February 14, 2021 I need to know where is my package can you give me more information about it please this is my truck I number number FEISZ1705343830YQ
Hi Lamia zahi,

FEISZ1705343830YQ was delivered on April 9.

Number: FEISZ1705343830YQ
Package status: Delivered (45 Days)
Country: China -> United States
2021-04-09 13:30 CA, SAN FRANCISCO, 94102, Delivered
2021-04-09 06:10 CA, SAN FRANCISCO, 94102, Out for Delivery
2021-04-09 03:56 CA, SAN FRANCISCO, 94124, Arrived at USPS Delivery Unit
2021-04-08 23:53 CA, SAN FRANCISCO, 94103, Arrived at USPS Delivery Unit
2021-04-08 22:38 CA, SAN FRANCISCO, 94124, Arrived at USPS Delivery Unit
2021-04-07 19:19 CA, Stockton, 95215, Departed Pitney Bowes Facility
2021-04-06 08:28 CA, Stockton, 95215, Arrived at Pitney Bowes Facility
2021-04-05 23:21 CA, COMMERCE, 90040-3416, Departed Pitney Bowes Facility
2021-04-05 09:51 CA, COMMERCE, 90040-3416, Arrived at Pitney Bowes Facility
2021-04-05 03:32 CA, Bloomington, 92316, Departed Pitney Bowes Facility
2021-04-02 10:05 CA, Bloomington, 92316, Inducted into Pitney Bowes Network
2021-02-24 00:09 Electronic Shipping Info Received
2021-02-23 13:47 Label Created
Tracking number is FEISZ1705640318YQ
Hi Hugh Clements,

It's in the US now. The shipping stopped on June 26. You need to contact the seller to reflect the problem and get a solution as soon as possible.

Number: FEISZ1705640318YQ
Package status: Alert
Country: China -> United States
2021-06-26 09:06 GA, Atlanta, 30349, SHIPMENT STOPPED
2021-06-25 13:15 GA, Atlanta, 30349, Arrived at Facility
2021-06-23 00:59 CA, COMMERCE, 90040-3416, SHIPMENT STOPPED
2021-06-22 10:29 CA, COMMERCE, 90040-3416, Arrived at Facility
2021-05-13 05:07 Electronic Shipping Info Received
2021-05-13 01:29 Label Created
Tracking number is: SF6043394035673

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