Need contact for Guangzhou Custom
Asked by Aliu |
Hello there,
My package (CJ183496044US) has been held in Guangzhou custom since Dec 23, 2020. The latest status for it still said 广州市,进口海关留存待验 on Jan 25, 2021. Is there a phone number that my recipient can call to find out what the holdup is? Thanks! Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.
My package (CJ183496044US) has been held in Guangzhou custom since Dec 23, 2020. The latest status for it still said 广州市,进口海关留存待验 on Jan 25, 2021. Is there a phone number that my recipient can call to find out what the holdup is? Thanks! Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.
2 Answer(s)

Hi, i Need to contact the custom center of guanghzou, cause detained my package CP075558209IT since 24 january. Any numbers or email addres? Thanks
You don't need to contact the custom now. It has been released from the customs.
Number: CJ183496044US
Package status: In transit
Country: United States -> China
2021-01-30 20:12 Guangzhou City, Arriving at Guangzhou Aviation Center (transit)
2021-01-30 19:22 Guangzhou City, leave the Guangzhou International Center, the next stop Guangzhou Aviation Center (transit)
2021-01-30 16:52 Guangzhou City, import customs release
2021-01-25 10:55 Guangzhou City, import customs retained for inspection
2020-12-23 15:53 Guangzhou City, import customs retained for inspection
2020-12-23 08:57 Guangzhou City, sent to the import customs
2020-12-20 06:31 San Francisco, San Francisco has been exported straight
2020-12-19 22:53 San Francisco, Leaving The Overseas Export Swap Bureau (not yet arriving at China Post)
2020-12-19 22:53 San Francisco, leave the San Francisco Processing Center
2020-12-19 22:52 San Francisco, to the Overseas Export Swap Bureau
2020-12-14 13:37 United States, United States has been received