China Post: 86 10 11185 EMS: 86 10 11183

My track number is LO227889869CN, last update was China EMS Despatch from Sorti


My track number is LO227889869CN, last update was China EMS Despatch from Sorting Center
HeiLongJiangShengHaErBinShi 15000213 05.11

Now it's 19.11, Can you tell me please where is my package ?

You may get the answer from the following articles:

3 Answer(s)

Hi Jafar ali,

It's already left China and is en route to Russia now. It usually takes about 15-30 days to have further update showing it's in Russia.

2019-11-08 11:15
Hulunbel City, delivered by airline

2019-11-08 08:55
Hulunbel City, arriving at Manchuria Exchange Station (via transfer)

2019-11-05 13:44
Harbin City, Harbin International has been exported directly sealed

2019-11-04 17:30
Harbin City, arriving at Harbin International

2019-11-04 17:28
Harbin City, leave the "receiving center", the next stop "Harbin International"

2019-11-04 17:17
Harbin City, "Receiving Center" has received
Please help me to find out where is my item. it's only shows Despatch from Sorting Center then no more update. track number EA441990566CN. thanks.
Hi Daniel,

It has left China and is in transit to your country now. Because of COVID, tt takes about 15-30 days to reach and there will be further update when it arrives.

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