If it's not what you ordered, you need to contact the seller to reflect the problem and get a solution. If the seller doesn't reply you, it may be a scam, then you need to try to contact your bank or visa company to ask for a charge back. Or, open a dispute from the platform you buy it to get refund in time.
The company I ordered from keeps lying and dodging questions. They said my tool Cabinet Mobile workbench was delivered to my address. I have not received the product and have not been contacted by email or phone.
I need to know where my product is as soon as possible.
I posted my Package on 2024-09-28 at China Post Office. Delivery by Surface because the Post employee said it did not apply for SAL or Plane. This I did not understand anyway because in the package were 3 simple Power Supplies, 1 SMD Rework-station and 1 19-INCH empty 3U Cabinet. After Customs check in Guangdong the package is lost since 2024-10-09. Please can you tell me were my package is now? The tracking stopped also after this Date. Who is the Carrier/Transporter?
If it's not what you ordered, you need to contact the seller to reflect the problem and get a solution. If the seller doesn't reply you, it may be a scam, then you need to try to contact your bank or visa company to ask for a charge back. Or, open a dispute from the platform you buy it to get refund in time.