China Post: 86 10 11185 EMS: 86 10 11183

My parcel struck at airline


Hey daisay my ems parcel no EV742532185CN when i will receive it please tell me thanks its in transit from 19 days

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3 Answer(s)

Hi Mahe,

It's in Pakistan now. Pakistan Post should deliver it to you recently.

Number: EV742532185CN
Package status: In transit
Country: China -> Pakistan
2020-12-04 07:24, KARACHI EMS CENTRE (IMO EP), Insert item into domestic bag Faisalabad GPO
2020-12-04 05:13, KARACHI EMS CENTRE (IMO EP), Receive item at office of exchange in destination country
2020-11-20 10:00, GUANGZHOU EMS, Send item abroad (EDI-received)
2020-11-20 00:17, GUANGZHOU EMS, Send item to destination country
2020-11-20 00:04, GUANGZHOU EMS, Receive item at office of exchange in origin country
2020-11-19 17:57, Receive item from customer in origin country
My parcel EV983215085CN stuck in Karachi more than a week , there is no update or anything ? Please check when I can receive my parcel .
Hi Anzalna,

When it arrives in Pakistan, it's delivered by Pakistan Post. You'd better contact Pakistan Post to check if it's delayed for delivery for a long time.

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