It's stuck at the processing center. You need to contact the seller to reflect the problem and get a solution as soon as possible. Only the seller can require China Post to do a formal trace investigation about what happens to it. If the seller doesn't reply you, try to contact your bank or visa company to ask for a charge back. Or, open a dispute from the platform you buy it to get refund in time.
2024-05-15 13:15 After customs clearance in China is completed, the shipment is sent to the transit country [in transit], and the shipment leaves the processing center 2024-05-14 15:29 China mail arrives at the destination processing center [clearing customs], express mail arrives at the processing center 2024-05-13 18:25 China Leave processing center, international mail transportation transit 2024-05-13 11:29 Arrive at processing center in China, international mail transportation in transit 2024-05-12 18:25 China has left [Shenzhen Processing Center] and has been exported and sealed, the express has left the processing center 2024-05-12 14:29 Arrived in Shenzhen [Shenzhen Processing Center], Express arrived at the processing center 2024-05-11 10:25 Wenzhou leaves [Wenzhou Processing Center], next stop [Shenzhen Processing Center], Departed from post office, Express leaves processing center 2024-05-10 16:25 Wenzhou arrived [Wenzhou Processing Center], Arrived to post office, Express arrived at the processing center 2024-05-09 21:22 The mail has been received by Shenzhen Processing Center and is in transit for international transportation 2024-05-09 18:07 Shenzhen, China Post has received the mail
My parcel AS850408930CN has been saying for two days its out for delivery but I've had no notification of delivery attempts. How do I find out who the UK delivery service is and where they have my parcel?
Hi, why EMS courier doesn’t call before the delivery? On tracking website it says that delivery was attempted on 2th of may and now the parcel is held at the office. Why no one called before the delivery? People don't sit next to the door 24/7 to get the parcel. How to get it delivered again? Thanks
It's stuck at the processing center. You need to contact the seller to reflect the problem and get a solution as soon as possible. Only the seller can require China Post to do a formal trace investigation about what happens to it. If the seller doesn't reply you, try to contact your bank or visa company to ask for a charge back. Or, open a dispute from the platform you buy it to get refund in time.
2024-05-15 13:15 After customs clearance in China is completed, the shipment is sent to the transit country [in transit], and the shipment leaves the processing center
2024-05-14 15:29 China mail arrives at the destination processing center [clearing customs], express mail arrives at the processing center
2024-05-13 18:25 China Leave processing center, international mail transportation transit
2024-05-13 11:29 Arrive at processing center in China, international mail transportation in transit
2024-05-12 18:25 China has left [Shenzhen Processing Center] and has been exported and sealed, the express has left the processing center
2024-05-12 14:29 Arrived in Shenzhen [Shenzhen Processing Center], Express arrived at the processing center
2024-05-11 10:25 Wenzhou leaves [Wenzhou Processing Center], next stop [Shenzhen Processing Center], Departed from post office, Express leaves processing center
2024-05-10 16:25 Wenzhou arrived [Wenzhou Processing Center], Arrived to post office, Express arrived at the processing center
2024-05-09 21:22 The mail has been received by Shenzhen Processing Center and is in transit for international transportation
2024-05-09 18:07 Shenzhen, China Post has received the mail