If you couldn't get it in time, you need to contact the seller to reflect the problem and get a solution as soon as possible. Only the seller can require China Post to do a formal trace investigation.
Hi, I have a question regarding my delivery LZ018836505CN. The delivery is EMS ePacket. When I ordered I was given between 7 to 14 days for delivery. It has been almost 2 weeks since I placed the order, but it seems the parcel is stuck in the same city. Arriving at the sorting center, dispatched, then comeback again. Is there some kind of delivery restriction in some parts of China?
Can anyone provide status on CY000873581CN ? Parcel has been stuck for two months - wondering if it will ever be delivered, or if this is normal. When can delivery to US be expected?
If you couldn't get it in time, you need to contact the seller to reflect the problem and get a solution as soon as possible. Only the seller can require China Post to do a formal trace investigation.